Stock Code:
$52.40 (in GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


Derived from a specially bred, high antioxidant strain of French Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo), GliSODin® boosts the body’s first line of defence against harmful free radicals. GliSODin®’s nutrigenomic property is uniquely conferred by the presences of this gliadin biopolymer. This gliadin protects GliSODin® from gastric degradation.

Made in Australia under license from Laboratories ISOCELL NUTRA; GliSODin® is the result of extensive and ongoing research by a group of French scientists dedicated to ageing research, especially as it relates to oxidative stress.

Only products bearing this GliSODin® logo may claim to be genuine GliSODin® products.

Clinical trial data shows that GliSODin® may:

Enhance natural defences against oxidative stress and inflammation
Help maintain healthy blood vessels and cardiovascular health
GliSODin® may also:

Modulate immune response and reduce allergic reactions
Support mitochondrial disorders and related fatigue

Each size ‘0’ capsule contains:

Cucumis melo juice powder: 3.325mg (Eqv. 3.325g fruit powder).
Each size ‘0’ capsule delivers 250 Units SOD activity. (GliSODin® clinical trials use dosages of 500 Units SOD activity).
NOTE: This product contains genuine trademarked GliSODin® as developed by Laboratories ISO-CELL NUTRA and is used as the bioactive material in a number of clinical trials. Quantity of active ingredient is expressed differently according to local regulatory requirements. GliSODin® does not contain palm oil and is GMO free. This product contains gluten as an essential nutrigenomic component.

Adults: Take one capsule twice daily, or as directed by your Health Care Practitioner. Best taken at least 15 minutes before or 2 hours after food.



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    “Shilo and Ariya Health have actively demonstrated that one of their real priorities is improving practitioner knowledge so that, rather than just selling more products, they are keen to be part of the drive towards, the betterment of individual practitioners and a better profession overall.”
    – Rachel Arthur, Mullumbimby, NSW