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Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease is the first document to offer details of known aetiological pathways leading to a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease together with strategies to reverse each aetiological pathway.

This work includes the best evidence from Western Allopathic Medicine and
Complementary/Alternative Medicine in discovering how and why People with Parkinson’s develop symptoms, the diagnostic process, standard treatments and prognoses offered by expert practitioners, and ongoing research into possibilities of “cure”.

The primary aim of the document is to present strategies that have been shown, clinically or in research, to improve the health of People with Parkinson’s, with the possibility of reversing all symptoms.

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease is aimed primarily at People with Parkinson’s, families and supporters, but includes suggestions and advice for Western Allopathic Medicine and Complementary/Alternative Medicine practitioners to enhance their care of patients with a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. This document may be used as a self-help book for those with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and includes advice on building a team of practitioners, or a handbook for practitioners wishing to move away from the standard conservative view of an “incurable” disease.

• Paperback book, 456 pages plus cover.
• Published by Hybrid Publishers, Melbourne.
• Printed by McPherson’s Printing Group, Maryborough.



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